This was the view from my garden this morning - What a foggy day you could barely see across the canal and could see absolutely nothing of the church and buildings behind the trees on the other side. The fog stayed here all day so didn't venture out too far. I like the fog though (as long as I'm not driving in it). I love the way it blurs the edges like looking through misted glasses and colours the world in muted shades of grey, very very dreamy.
Not so muted in our house though.
This is a not very good photo of my first ever crocheted project - a big stripy blanket in my usual bright clashing colours. I love this blanket - it was the first time I had ever crocheted and started off as just a couple of stripes of spare wool while I taught myself by following videos on Utube about a year ago. Because I enjoyed it so much I just kept going using more and more balls of my mums wool. Anyway it grew to be this big and I really love it as it is soooo snuggly and warm and I'm just dead chuffed cos despite the odd mistake I made something useful and pretty.
My mum was a fantastic Knitter when I was growing up but she can't knit anymore because of rheumatism it's so sad because I never appreciated all the knitted jumpers etc at the time as I would have far rather have been able to buy the latest tops from Chelsea Girl (does anyone remember them?? Now I would love to have just some of the wonderful tops she made me.
Anyway, as a sort of thank you I've decided that I am going to crochet a blanket for her out of granny squares some plain ones and some with flowers. It's her birthday at Easter this year so hopefully it will be finished by then - I find I am much more disciplined about finishing things I've started when I give myself a deadline (maybe that's the office worker in me who knows....)
I thought I'd end today with this picture of Dilly my very very much loved teddy bear. As you can see he is extemely thread bare and has had a number of repairs made to him - mostly by me when I was little. Dilly was given to my brother when he was born and when he was 7 and I was born he decided he was too grown up for a bear and gave him to me. 42 years later and Dilly still sits on my bed each and every night. sad??? me???? never!!! - well maybe just a little bit!!! well ok extremely sad but hey ho I never said I was sensible did I??????.
Have fun it'll soon be the weekend.
What a lovely view from your garden, it's so pretty! Your blanket is amazing by the way, I wish I could make something like that. Everyone in blogland is crochet crazy at the moment and I feel left out!!!
I think your middle name's sweet by the way, but I can see why it was annoying growing up. There is no mercy with kids is there?!
Your valentine's stuff is almost ready too, just waiting for one thing and then I'll be ready to post it all off... then the nerves start as to whether you'll like it all or not!
Mel xxx
That's a lovely old bear! I do remember Chelsea Girl and Martin Fords where I used to buy my 'trendy' school clothes!
We must be "of a certain age". I remember Chelsea Girl, and Martin Ford too. Going to town with my nan when I was tiny, I remember seeing BIBA TOO!!! now that is 1960's!!!!
Sharon xx
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